If an employer does not make reasonable adjustments for someone at work or a job applicant, it could be a type of disability discrimination. This type of disability discrimination is called 'failure to make reasonable adjustments'.
It might be that the employer believes a suggested adjustment is not reasonable.
In this case, the employer should:
- talk with the disabled person
- explain their decision
- try to find another way to support them, for example making other adjustments that are reasonable
Find out more about:
If someone feels they've been discriminated against
If someone thinks they've been discriminated against, they could make an informal or formal complaint to their employer or potential employer.
If the problem is not resolved, they could consider making a claim to an employment tribunal.
Find out more about making and handling disability discrimination complaints
Get more advice and support
If you have any questions about reasonable adjustments, you can contact the Acas helpline.
Acas also offers free e-learning on disability discrimination and reasonable adjustments.