Being rejected or told not to apply Rejected job applications

You might have:

  • applied for a job and not got it
  • been told you cannot apply for a job

Asking for feedback

You can ask the employer to:

  • explain their decision
  • share any rules they might have – for example, a recruitment policy
  • give you any other feedback – for example, tell you how you could have done better in the job interview

They do not have to give you this information.

Why employers should give feedback

Employers do not have to explain their reasons for rejecting job applications. But it can help:

  • show they're open in how they make decisions
  • keep a good relationship with employees – if the applicant already works for them
  • tell applicants what to do differently with future job applications

Asking them to reconsider

You can ask the employer to reconsider their decision if you think they:

  • discriminated against you – for example, if you did not get the job because of your sex or race
  • did not apply their rules consistently – for example, if they have a policy on how to do job interviews but did yours differently

If you already work for them

If your employer rejected your application, you can raise this with them. It's usually best to raise the problem informally first. You can do this by talking to your employer.

If you've tried all options without success, you might be able to make a claim to an employment tribunal.

In rare circumstances, you might be able to claim constructive dismissal. This can be a difficult claim to win.

If you do not work for them

Job applicants are protected by discrimination law (Equality Act 2010). If you have been discriminated against, you might be able to make a claim to an employment tribunal.

Find out more about discrimination and the Equality Act 2010

Contact the Acas helpline

If you want to discuss your options, you can contact the Acas helpline.

Last reviewed