Pay for working extra hours

Some employers choose to pay employees and workers for working more hours than the employment contract says. This is usually called overtime pay.

Although some employers offer overtime pay, there's no automatic legal right to it.

Employers must state in the written statement of employment particulars:

  • what hours are classed as overtime
  • what the rate of pay is for overtime

What some employers might offer

Some employers might offer:

  • a higher rate of pay for overtime than for normal working hours
  • time off instead of overtime pay

National Minimum Wage

If an employee works more hours than their employment contract says, the employer must make sure the hourly pay rate does not fall below the National Minimum Wage.

Holiday pay

Holiday pay must include overtime payments if an employee has regularly received overtime pay during the previous year.

Any relevant overtime pay must be included in:

  • at least 4 weeks of the holiday pay – for most employees
  • 5.6 weeks of holiday pay – for irregular hours workers and part-year workers

An employer might include overtime pay in the full 5.6 weeks' paid holiday for all employees, but they do not have to.

Find out more about:

If an employee or worker is part time

A part-time employee or worker is someone who works fewer hours than a full-time employee or worker in the same organisation. There are no set numbers of hours that count as full-time or part-time work.

By law, employers must not treat part-time workers and employees less favourably than full-time ones.

Part-time staff are not entitled to get overtime pay until they have worked more than the normal hours of full-time staff. Your organisation might have a different policy about overtime, so you should check the contract.

Find out more about part-time workers' rights

Last reviewed