You do not have to be experienced to represent someone in a claim to an employment tribunal or in talks to get an agreement. You can be a friend, someone they work with or a relative doing it for the first time.
As a representative, you'll talk to the conciliator directly. You'll need to:
- understand what the person you represent wants to get out of talks
- keep in contact with them to update them on your progress
You can agree a settlement on behalf of the person you're representing. This will be legally binding, which means they must keep to what’s been agreed.
You'll need to make sure they're happy with the agreement before you accept it on their behalf.
Representing more than 1 person
If you're representing more than 1 person making a claim, this is called a group claim and you'll need to contact us.
Acas early conciliation support
Telephone: 0300 123 1122
Textphone: 18001 0300 123 1122
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Last reviewed