Employees still 'accrue' (build up) holiday when they're:
- on statutory leave
- off work because of sickness or injury
Statutory leave
Employees still accrue holiday entitlement while on statutory:
- maternity leave
- paternity leave
- adoption leave
- shared parental leave
- ordinary parental leave
- parental bereavement leave
- carer's leave – this right comes into effect on 6 April 2024
When an employee knows they're going to be taking statutory leave, they should discuss with their employer:
- how much paid holiday they'll accrue before and during the planned statutory leave
- when they're going to take their accrued holiday
- how much they can carry over, if appropriate
- if they have contractual holiday entitlement, whether they can get paid instead of taking the days that are additional to statutory
Find out more about sick pay and holiday pay, including advice on:
- taking holiday while off sick
- if an employee gets sick while on holiday
- accruing holiday entitlement while off sick
Irregular hours workers and part-year workers
There are specific rules about how irregular hours workers and part-year workers accrue holiday when off sick or on statutory leave.
Last reviewed