Flexible working request acknowledgement letter template

For an employer to acknowledge an employee's statutory flexible working request and tell them the next steps. Free to use.

You can copy and paste the template text into an email or document.

Find advice on statutory flexible working requests


[Today's date]

Dear [name of your employee],

Thank you for the statutory flexible working request you made on [date].

We will consider your request as soon as we can.

If we can approve it without any further discussion, I will confirm this in writing.

If it needs further discussion, I will set up a meeting [optional: within X working days] to talk about:

  • the changes you are asking for
  • any effects of the change on the organisation
  • what we can do to support your request
  • if there are any other options you might consider

[Optional] You can bring someone with you to the meeting, for example someone else at work or a trade union representative.

Yours sincerely,

[Your name]
[Your job title]
[Organisation name]

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If you need the template in a different format, email digital@acas.org.uk

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