Business skills training courses

Learn how to confidently manage complex processes like redundancy and TUPE, helping you save time and money.

Our team of workplace experts deliver business skills courses that can give you the advice you need to balance fair treatment of staff with organisation needs.

What you'll learn

Across our business skills courses you'll learn how to:

  • comply with your legal responsibilities as an employer
  • draw upon best practice to maintain good employee relations
  • communicate and consult with staff early
  • avoid common pitfalls that can lead to employment tribunal claims
  • perform critical assessments of business need
  • guide and support employees through a period of change
"The trainer was very knowledgeable and we had a good cross section of attendees that were able to share experiences."
– Redundancy and restructuring course attendee

Find a course

We provide a range of business skills courses, including:

  • employment law update
  • redundancy and restructuring
  • TUPE

Visit our training website to sign up for courses

How Acas training courses can help you

Acas is an independent public body with over 45 years' experience in giving impartial advice on employment rights and best practice.

Through a mixture of presentations, discussions and interactive exercises, our training courses will give you practical tips you can use in your organisation.

"The course gave me so much useful information that was delivered in such a way it was easy to understand and follow. It was also interactive which meant we heard about real-life examples and not just text book scenarios."
– Understanding TUPE course attendee

Who the courses are for

Our business skills courses are for people from all sectors of work, including:

  • managers, supervisors and team leaders
  • HR professionals
  • business owners
  • trade union representatives
  • employee representatives
  • individuals who want to further their professional development

How they are delivered

We offer courses both remotely and face to face. You'll be in small groups with participants from a wide range of organisations, giving you opportunities to share experiences.

We recognise that every organisation is different. To save you time and money, we can deliver bespoke training at your workplace. To find out more, contact the Acas Training and Customer Services team.

You can also find out how we make our training accessible