
Final pay when someone leaves a job

1 . Why final pay is different

When someone leaves a job, their final pay will often be different from their usual weekly or monthly pay.

Someone's final pay might change because of things like:

Employers should make sure the person leaving understands how their final pay was calculated. For example, it should be clear in the payslip what each payment or deduction is for.

When to expect your final pay

An employee should get their final pay on the date they are normally paid.

For example, if they leave in the middle of the month but are normally paid at the end of the month, they'll probably get their final pay at the end of the month. They should check with their employer if they're not sure.

If you do not get your final payslip

If an employee does not get a payslip for their final pay, they should speak to their employer.

If you have any questions about getting final pay, you can contact the Acas helpline.